Chana Yohana Henchin hy''d (Finke) Bischitz

Personal detailsLife Story
Murdered in the Shoah        

Granddaughter of Wolf Weikersheimer  

Her parents:

Her father: Eliezer Lazaros Finke
Her mother: Avigail Babette (Weikersheimer) Finke  

Her children:
1. Yitschak Ignatz Nasi hy"d Bischitz
2. Avraham Albert hy"d Bischitz
3. Sarah Charlote hy''d (Bischitz) Heis
4. Moshe Moritz hy"d Bischitz
5. Leah Carola (Bischitz) Weinberger
6. Levi Leopold Liput Lipi hy"d Bischitz
7. Feiga Bertha Bartushka (Bischitz) Lewinger
8. Yoseph hy"d Bischitz

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