Aharon Yehuda Kohn
Tzirel Siri Friedman Kohn
Avraham Tsvi Kohn
Sarah Malka Izsak Kohn
Yeshaayahu Chaim Kohn
Esther Scheindel Shor Kohn
Shlomo Zalman Kohn
Aharon Yehuda Kohn
Rivka Kohn
Shabtai Kohn
Mordechai Kohn
Moshe Kohn
Chaya Kohn
Ephraim Kohn
Esther Gutred (Kohn) Leaman
Mordechai Yoseph Leaman
Rachel (Leaman) Josephovitz
Yoel Josephovitz
Chava Josephovitz
Shmuel Josephovitz
Yitschak Josephovitz
Shlomo Josephovitz
Dov Ber Leaman
Moshe Leaman
Chaim Shabtai Leaman
Eliezer Leaman
Yisroel Yeshaya Leaman
Shlomo Daniel Leaman
Aharon Yehuda Leaman
Binyamin Yoseph Kohn
Esther Miriam Ross Kohn
Moshe Kohn
Chaya Leah Kohn
Rivka Kohn
Rachel Kohn
Rachel (Kohn) Levy
Eliezer Levy
Ben-Tsion Chaim Levy
Rivka Menucha Levy
Sarah Yehudit Levy
Shlomo Avraham Mordechai Levy
Moshe Levy
Aharon Yehuda Levy
Chava Leah (Kohn) Ungar
Chaim Yoel Ungar
Moshe Ungar
Avraham Zanvil Ungar
Shabtai Ungar
Sheyndel Levia Ungar
Tovi Rivka Ungar
Malka Ungar
Israel Mordechai Kohn
Yitschak Kohn
Menucha Kohn
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