Menachem Yehoshua Roth
Bashe'e Yocheved Weiser Roth
Esther Reits'e (Roth) Grauz
Dov Ber Grauz
Yitschak Ya'akov Grauz
Shimon David Grauz
Devora Pearl Grauz
Moshe Yoseph Grauz
Naftali Grauz
Miriam Grauz
Ya'akov Yechezkel Roth
Shaina Rivka Rachel Aber Roth
Yisachar Dov Roth
Aharon Meir Roth
Esther Reitsa Roth
Gitel Pearl (Roth) Friedman
Shimon Chaim Friedman
Malka Friedman
Yitschak Ya'akov Friedman
Shaul Yechezkel Friedman
Avraham Tsvi (Herch) Friedman
Moshe Yitschak Roth
Malka Tsharna Herman Roth
Chaya Tzortil Roth
Avraham Tsvi Roth
Reizel Rivka Roth
Hinda Roth
Hindi (Roth) Engel
Yoseph Engel
Esther Reitzi Tzirel Engel
Yehuda Leib Roth
Sarah Roth
Hena Chaya Tzipora Roth
Naftali Roth
Tzurtil Roth
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